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This forum page is a discussion page where people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages.
It is to be a positive and productive place to learn and discuss relevant topics, where self-employed carers and/or clients can come together to ask questions, share advice, and support each other.

Here’s a list of forum topics to facilitate discussions and support within the community.

This Forum is moderated to ensure that discussions remain respectful and adhere to community guidelines. We encourage active participation, provide support, and foster a sense of belonging within the community.

Forum Instructions on how to Search or Post a new item are here.

Forum Navigation
Sorry, only logged-in users can access the forum.

Forum Instructions

To participate on the forum, you will need to create a Carer or Client account on the website. Once you have created an
account, you can start posting messages in the forum.

To post a new message, simply click on the “New Topic” button in the category where you want to post your message. You
will then be able to enter a title and body for your message. You can also add images, videos, and links to your message.
Once you have posted your message, other users will be able to reply to it. This creates a thread of messages, which is a
conversation between two or more users.

You can also subscribe to threads that you are interested in. This will send you an email notification when someone replies to
the thread.

To subscribe to a thread, simply click on the “Subscribe to Topic” button at the top of the thread.

To unsubscribe from a thread, simply click on the “Unsubscribe from Topic” button at the top of the thread.

You can also use the forum search to find specific threads or posts. To do this, simply enter the title or part of the title of the
thread or post in the search bar.

Here are some additional tips for using the forum:

  • Be respectful of other users. The forum is a place where everyone should feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and
  • Be helpful. If you can help another user with their question or problem, please do so.
  • Be honest. The forum is a place where people can come for honest advice and support.
  • Be yourself. The forum is a place where you can be yourself and connect with other self-employed carers or clients.
    We hope you enjoy using the forum!